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Finder component


Quickly build pricing plans for subscription based pricing model.

Basic pricing plan

Easy Start

/ month

Ideal if you're testing the waters and want to start with basic exposure.

  • 7-Day Run for your ad active for one weeks
  • Keep your ad live and active for one week
  • Track views and basic engagement metrics
<!-- Basic pricing plan -->
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    <svg class="d-block mb-3 mb-xl-4" xmlns="" width="56" height="56" fill="none"><path class="text-primary" d="M51.729 34.356c.085-.254.17-.508.17-.763-2.119 9.068-9.237 16.187-18.305 18.305.254-.085.508-.085.678-.169l-3.475-13.051a10.99 10.99 0 0 0 7.797-7.797l13.136 3.475zm.169-12.034c-.085-.254-.085-.508-.169-.763l-13.051 3.475a10.99 10.99 0 0 0-7.797-7.797l3.475-13.051c-.254-.085-.508-.085-.678-.17 8.983 2.203 16.102 9.322 18.22 18.305zM21.644 4.271l3.475 13.051a10.99 10.99 0 0 0-7.797 7.797L4.271 21.644c-.085.254-.085.509-.17.763C6.22 13.339 13.339 6.22 22.406 4.102c-.254 0-.509.085-.763.17zm3.475 34.407l-3.559 13.136c.254.085.508.085.763.169-9.068-2.119-16.186-9.237-18.305-18.305. 3.644 4.153 6.695 7.881 7.712z" fill="currentColor"/><path class="text-secondary-emphasis" d="M45.797 53h-5.085a.4.4 0 1 1 0-.847h5.085c3.475 0 6.356-2.881 6.356-6.356v-5.085a.4.4 0 1 1 .847 0v5.085A7.2 7.2 0 0 1 45.797 53zM28 53c-2.203 0-4.322-.254-6.441-.847-.254-.085-.339-.254-.339-.508l3.39-12.712c-3.644-1.102-6.441-3.983-7.542-7.542L4.356 34.78c-.254.085-.424-.085-.508-.339C3.254 32.322 3 30.203 3 28s.254-4.322.847-6.441c.085-.254.254-.339.508-.339l12.712 3.39c1.102-3.644 3.983-6.441 7.542-7.542L21.22 4.356c-.085-.254.085-.424.339-.508C23.678 3.254 25.797 3 28 3s4.322.254 6.441.847c.254.085.339.254.339.508l-3.39 12.712c3.644 1.102 6.441 3.983 7.542 7.542l12.712-3.39c.254-.085.424.085.509.339.593 2.119.847 4.237.847 6.441s-.254 4.322-.847 6.441c-.085.254-.254.339-.509.339l-12.712-3.39c-1.102 3.644-3.983 6.441-7.542 7.542l3.39 12.712c.085.254-.085.424-.339.509-2.119.593-4.237.847-6.441.847zm-5.847-1.525c1.949.508 3.814.678 5.848.678s3.898-.254 5.847-.678l-3.305-12.288c-1.61.339-3.475.339-5.085 0l-3.305 12.288zm3.136-13.22a11.73 11.73 0 0 0 5.424 0c3.644-1.017 6.441-3.813 7.458-7.457.254-.848.339-1.78.339-2.712s-.085-1.864-.339-2.712c-1.017-3.644-3.814-6.441-7.458-7.458a11.73 11.73 0 0 0-5.424 0c-3.644 1.017-6.441 3.814-7.458 7.458-.254.847-.339 1.78-.339 2.712s.085 1.864.339 2.712c.932 3.559 3.813 6.441 7.458 7.457zm13.898-7.712l12.288 3.305c.508-1.949.678-3.814.678-5.847s-.254-3.898-.678-5.847l-12.288 3.305c.169.847.254 1.695.254 2.542s-.085 1.695-.254 2.542zm-34.661-8.39c-.508 1.949-.678 3.814-.678 5.848s.254 3.898.678 5.847l12.288-3.305c-.17-.847-.254-1.695-.254-2.542s.085-1.695.254-2.542L4.525 22.153zM22.153 4.525l3.305 12.288c1.61-.339 3.475-.339 5.085 0l3.305-12.288c-1.949-.508-3.814-.678-5.847-.678s-3.898.254-5.847.678zM15.288 53h-5.085A7.2 7.2 0 0 1 3 45.797v-5.085a.4.4 0 0 1 .424-.424.4.4 0 0 1 .424.424v5.085c0 3.475 2.881 6.356 6.356 6.356h5.085a.4.4 0 1 1 0 .847zm22.034-1.864c-.169 0-.339-.085-.424-.254-.085-.254 0-.424.254-.593 5.932-2.458 10.763-7.203 13.22-13.136.085-.254.339-.339.593-.254s.339.339.254.593c-2.542 6.102-7.542 11.102-13.644 13.644h-.254zm-18.644 0h-.169c-6.102-2.542-11.102-7.542-13.644-13.644-.085-.254 0-.424.254-.593.254-.085.424 0 .593.254 2.458 5.932 7.203 10.763 13.136 0 0 1-.424.169zm32.034-32.034c-.17 0-.339-.085-.424-.254-2.458-5.932-7.203-10.763-13.136-13.22-.254-.085-.339-.339-.254-.593s.339-.339.593-.254c6.102 2.542 11.102 7.458 13.644 13.644.085.254 0 .424-.254.593 0 .085-.085.085-.169.085zm-45.424 0h-.17c-.254-.085-.339-.339-.254-.593 2.542-6.102 7.542-11.102 13.644-13.644.254-.085.424 0 .593.254.085.254 0 .424-.254.593-5.932 2.458-10.763 7.203-13.22 13.136 0 .169-.169.254-.339.254zm47.288-3.39a.4.4 0 0 1-.424-.424v-5.085c0-3.475-2.881-6.356-6.356-6.356h-5.085a.4.4 0 0 1-.424-.424.4.4 0 0 1 .424-.424h5.085A7.2 7.2 0 0 1 53 10.203v5.085a.4.4 0 0 1-.424.424zm-49.152 0A.4.4 0 0 1 3 15.288v-5.085A7.2 7.2 0 0 1 10.203 3h5.085a.4.4 0 0 1 .424.424.4.4 0 0 1-.424.424h-5.085c-3.475 0-6.356 2.881-6.356 6.356v5.085a.4.4 0 0 1-.424.424z" fill="currentColor"/></svg>
    <h3 class="fs-lg fw-normal">Easy Start</h3>
    <div class="d-flex align-items-center pb-1 pb-xl-0 mb-2 mb-xl-3">
      <div class="h1 mb-0">$25</div>
      <div class="fs-sm ms-2">/ month</div>
    <p class="fs-sm mb-xl-4">Ideal if you're testing the waters and want to start with basic exposure.</p>
    <button type="button" class="btn btn-lg btn-outline-info w-100">Select Easy Start</button>
    <ul class="list-unstyled gap-md-3 fs-sm text-dark-emphasis pt-4 mt-lg-1 mt-xl-2 mb-0">
      <li class="d-flex">
        <i class="fi-check fs-base text-body-secondary me-2" style="margin-top: 3px"></i>
        7-Day Run for your ad active for one weeks
      <li class="d-flex">
        <i class="fi-check fs-base text-body-secondary me-2" style="margin-top: 3px"></i>
        Keep your ad live and active for one week
      <li class="d-flex">
        <i class="fi-check fs-base text-body-secondary me-2" style="margin-top: 3px"></i>
        Track views and basic engagement metrics
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